Holly Wolff named Director of Special Projects

Holly Wolff has agreed to take on the volunteer role of Director of Special Projects for the Cloudsplitter Foundation, with the objective of looking at information providers across the North Country including 2-1-1, Adirondack Wellness Connections, and the various agencies who directly provide information to residents, to identify best practices here and across the country, and to work with other philanthropists, government agencies, and non-profits to improve information retrieval across the North Country before the next crisis.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed faults in many aspects of social services, including both capacity and communications.  It is our residents who feel the ultimate brunt, and our providers who carry the burden. At the same time as we work to respond to emergency needs, we need to look forward at the infrastructure changes required.

Holly most recently chaired the board of Pendragon Theatre. She is also a trustee of Adirondack Foundation, where she serves as Secretary, and Vice Chair of Berkshire Choral International. Prior to coming to the Adirondacks full time, in 2013 after her retirement from a 34-year IBM career, she held volunteer leadership roles in a number of non-profits.  Holly was a trustee of United Way of SW Connecticut as well as Board Chair of UW of CT, which manages the state-wide 2-1-1 network there.

Solving a problem of this magnitude will require time, coordination, and government support, both political and financial.  Interim solutions or smaller smaller scope may be required to start.  Holly will report back to us regularly on issues and opportunities.

Please join us in welcoming Holly.