Diane Fish Elected Trustee

The Cloudsplitter Foundation has elected (1/9/22) Diane W. Fish to its board of Trustees.  Diane recently retired from the Adirondack Council, where for 20 years she led development efforts and the organization as a whole, including as acting Executive Director.…

Our New Trustee

Cloudsplitter Foundation has added Holly Wolff to our board.  Holly has been serving as our volunteer Director of Special Projects. After a 34-year IBM career she chaired the board of Pendragon Theatre, serves as a trustee and Secretary of Adirondack…

Cash Achievement Awards for Early Childcare Educators

The Cloudsplitter Foundation today announced a Childcare Excellence Award Program to make awards for Early Childcare Educators. The awards will recognize dedicated educators who have demonstrated a commitment to providing high quality early childcare education, and to continually improving the…

Foundation Results, 2020

Increasing Impact Contributed a quarter million dollars along with staff and trustee time to partner with Adirondack Foundation and their Special and Urgent Needs (SUN) Fund for Covid-related rapid response Created Emergency Sustenance Grants to support nonprofit organizations in danger…